The HFFA was formed to foster and perpetuate research into the genealogy of Heinrich Frey, his wife Anna Catherine Levering, and their descendants.  Heinrich was born in Altenheim, Baden, Germany.  He emigrated and arrived in Germantown, Colony of Pennsylvania in October 1685.


Free subscription to the HFFA JOURNAL, published once a year.
· Free subscription to the HFFA NEWSLETTER, issued four times a year.
· Free QUERY SERVICE through the Newsletter and Journal.
· Current MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY so you can exchange information with members in your line.
· Ability to purchase back issues of the JOURNAL and the LINKS BOOK.


DESCENDANT MEMBER: Any person who has proven a direct descendant of Heinrich Frey. Only descendant members may vote and hold elected office in the association.
· ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any person who is a spouse or surviving spouse of a direct descendant of Heinrich Frey.   Any person who is interested in Frey Family genealogical research, but who has not proven direct descent from Heinrich Frey.

For a listing of the current officers of the Association, click on WHO WE ARE.

This is the only official website of the Heinrich Frey Family Association.









The plans for our 2025 trip to Heinrich’s homeland in Switzerland and Germany are now complete.  This trip is open to both HFFA members and other interested individuals.  Click on the picture and you will get the complete brochure about the trip.  The deadline to let John Frye know if you are planning on going is Christmas Day.

President of the HFFA


We welcome all direct descendant of Heinrich Frey to the HFFA and hope that you enjoy our website. 


If you find this website interesting and are a direct descendant of Heinrich Frey and Anna Catherine Levering Frey, we invite you to join our wonderful organization.  Membership is currently $25 a year.  It is simple to join!  Complete your information on the “Contact/Join” tab and send to Rebecca Proffitt, Member Chair, or send it to me at


Our biennial reunions are held in the USA where we have had, and may have today, a family presence.  They usually run from a Wednesday to Sunday with two days of exploring the local cemeteries and sites related to the history of our forefathers, plus a day for a educational talks and our business meeting.  Our 2026 Reunion will return to Winchester, VA.


We are here to support and encourage our family to learn more about their direct lineage.  Let’s work together to fill in the gaps on our family tree!


Gretchen Fry Harvey, HFFA President

HFFA members present at our July 2013 Reunion in Kansas City, MO.

HFFA group outside the 1770 Germantown Meeting House in Pennsylvania during our 2015 Reunion.

2017 Reunion in Hannibal, MO

HFFA members present at our 2009 Reunion in Texas.

HFFA members attending the 2011 Reunion in Winchester, VA.

HFFA members visiting the Pony Express Museum in St. Joseph, MO during our 2013 Reunion where we learned more about Cousin Johnny Fry who was the first Pony Express Rider.

Copyright © 2016-2025 Heinrich Frey Family Association. All Rights Reserved. No pictures, stories or genealogy information on this website may be reproduced or otherwise distributed without prior written permission from the Heinrich Frey Family Association.  No part of this website can be submitted to or published on any other website or genealogy service. Nothing contained in this website can be used for any Baptism, sealing or other religious purposeLast updated  January 26, 2025.


Our 2026 HFFA reunion will be in Winchester, VA



2024 Reunion—Morgantown, PA


Heather Brown getting our snacks ready.

John Frye giving a presentation.

Norm Schulze talking about Heinrich’s homeland of Germany.

Descendants of Heinrich and Anna

Everybody in attendance at the Reunion

Lunch on the day of presentations and the business meeting.

Members are encouraged to bring something from their home state for our gift exchange.

John Frye explaining to us where we are going on our first bus excursion.

2022 Reunion—Xenia, Ohio

Day 2

Our President, Gretchen Fry Harvey and her daughter

Heather Brown

Our Past-President, Gene Frye

Visitation and prayers at the old burial grounds located on the property once owned by

Jacob Frey (1694-1785) the first child of Heinrich and Anna Frey.

What letters can you make out on this old grave marker?

Valley Forge was the winter encampment of the Continental Army, under the command of George Washington, during the American Revolutionary War. The Valley Forge encampment lasted six months, from December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778.

Day 3

Old Windmill Farm, an authentic working Amish farm.

Day 1 — June 20, 2024

1:45 AM

Amish Wedding Dinner

2019 Shelbyville, Kentucky Reunion

A presentation by Richard Frey on using DNA tests to see how closely we are related to each other.

Naomi Fisher